ADC data collected on an ACDC card with a generated 100 MHz sine wave input are analyzed with the goal of understanding the measurement noise in the system. Best fits to models are performed, and the residuals of the fits...
Report from the summer 2018 REU, working with the PSEC group
Report from the summer 2018 REU, working with the PSEC group
REU summer report describing how to set up the interface for the Raspberry Pi DAQ system in the lab with Node-RED, an Internet of Things software tool, to assistin plotting live data at any and all times. This is a...
A how-to-use and description of the newer/cheaper CNC 2d translation stage used for measuring QE maps
Summer report on modifications of the PSEC4 ACDC board in preparation for a PSEC4a board design. Featuring testing a new ACDC switching power regulator as well as ideas for PSEC4a board form factors
Master thesis of Runyu Jiang
Poster presentation at the 14th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, May 2018
A report on work done to characterize the self-triggering feature on the PSEC4 ASIC.
Invited Talk at the 5th International Conference on Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD2017); 22-26 May, 2017; Temple University, Philadelphia
Poster presentation at Neutrino 2018.
Talk given at the THEIA workshop at UC Davis
This is a brief stab at understanding the balance of gas load and getter capacity. A lot of this may be wrong- that's the point of writing it down for others to read, so please read critically. Also there are...
An x-ray detector based on MCPs. An MCP ALD-coated with tungsten (thermally oxidized after coating) serves as an x-ray photocathode that matches the x-ray stopping depth to the electron escape depth. X-rays hit pore walls at grazing incidence, so that...
Talk given at LIGHT17 about OTPC development and simulations for a second generation OTPC
Talk at the TAUP 2017 conference
Talk given at LIGHT-17 workshop
Abstract for LIGHT-17 workshop
This document describes MCenter experimental area and how to use G4beamline simulation in order to test LAPPD Time-of-Flight.
This document outlines how the ACC central card firmware interprets signals from the C++ "run-acdc" program. Specifically, it outlines where in the firmware (and how) the functions "Software trigger", "Align LVDS", "CC Read Mode", "Prepare Sync", and "Hardware reset" are...
Report from the summer 2017 REU, working with the PSEC group. Two recipes for the `Margherita Cookbook' are attached.
A report describing the testing of an ANNIE central card based PSEC4 readout system. Includes recipes on how to work with the ACDC and ACC boards.
Recipes for running test cycles to verify that the Margherita 2 is a fully operational LAPPD facility.
Recipes for installing a cesium transport system and internal tile fixturing for the Margherita 2, a large-area picosecond photodetector production facility.
Final report from Benjamin Lunday, summer student 2017.
Karen Byrum,
Marcel Demarteau,
Ranjan Dharmapalan,
Jeffrey W. Elam,
Anil U. Mane,
Edward May,
Robert G. Wagner,
Dean Walters,
Jingbo Wang,
Lei Xia,
Junqi Xie and
Huyue Zhao
If the resistive divider is internal, most of the photocurrent does not make it out of the PMT.
Greg Sellberg's "[1032] channel pads w/Ag Epoxy Technique to PC Board Read-out" How to glue Photonis Planacon to the RF-stripline anode card.