Slides from talk at Pico-Second Timing Simulation Workshop, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, H. Frisch, 12 Dec. 2006 Format:PPT
June 1, 2009: Prepared in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Office of Science, Department of Energy's Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship under the direction of Edward May and Karen Byrum at the High Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory....
Determination of Gain as function of High Voltage. Measure time resolution of 25um and 10um pore Burle photo-tubes equipped with transmission line readout board using ANL Laser test stand. May 2009.
Talk (slides) given at LAPPD collaboration meeting Oct 15, 2009 Argonne National Lab
Matthew Wetstein, NNN09, Estes Park, CO; Oct. 9, 2009
Henry Frisch, DOE HEP Site Visit, Argonne; Sept. 23-24, 2009
Henry Frisch; Hawaii ANT Workshop (by proxy), August 13, 2009
Jean-Francois Genat, ANT Workshop, August 13, 2009
Henry Frisch, Advanced Photon Source Users Meeting, Argonne; May 6, 2009
Anatoly Ronzhin October 2008
Anatoly Ronzhin, Dresden, Germany. 19-25 October 2008
All Experimenters Meeting at Fermilab, Erik Ramberg, 8 Sept. 2008
Little talk at Argonne to a joint MSD/ES/HEP meeting, Henry Frisch, 8 Sept. 2008
Talk at Fermilab All Experimenters Meeting, Camden Ertley, 14 July 2008
Talk at MANX Collaboration Workshop, Henry Frisch, 14 July 2008
Talk at the Hawaii IEEE NSS meeting, Patrick LeDu, 1 November 2007
Talk at 10th ICATPP - COMO, Patrick LeDu, 11 October, 2007
Talk at the National Science Foundation, Henry Frisch, 28 June 2007
Talk at the National Science Foundation, C. Chen, 28 June 2007
Talk at the Workshop on Timing Detectors, Saclay, France, Eric Delagnes, 8 March 2007
Talk at the Workshop on Timing Detectors, Saclay, France, H. Frisch, 8 March 2007
Presentation to the DOE, H. Frisch, 6 Sept. 2006
Talk at the 2nd Workshop on Psec TOF, Arlington, TX, H. Frisch, K. Byrum, G. Drake, T. Credo, H. Sanders, F. Tang, 28 April 2006
(First Half (Frisch) of Joint Talk at Fermilab, H. Frisch, H Sanders), 13 July 2005
Invited Talk, Aspen Winter Conference, H. Frisch, January 26, 2003
Detectors based on Micro-Channel Plate structures coupled to transmission lines could be used to cover large areas while keeping their outstanding timing properties. This development is a key step towards very large area photo-detectors with excellent space and time resolutions,...