Cameron's talk from CPAD 2023.
Cameron's talk from CPAD 2023.
Simulations of whole-body low-dose time-of-flight positron emission tomography (TOF-PET) based on the direct surface production [1] by 511 keV gamma rays of energetic electrons via the Photo-electric and Compton Effects, eliminating the scintillator and photodetector sub-systems in PET scanners.
Using TOPAS to create a simulation of a new TOF-PET Scanner based on a low atomic number scintillator.
Using a TOPAS simulation to model the direct conversion of 511 keV gamma rays to electrons in a micro-channel plate (MCP).
A Talk given by Allison Squires on Compton Scattering in liquid media for TOF-PET under lower doses, TOPAS simulations of the Derenzo, XCAT brain phantoms are included.
Paper submitted to Transactions On Medical Imaging: TOPAS simulations of switchillator based PET using Derenzo and XCAT brain phantoms.
Anode Pad Sharing NIM Paper as Published: Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 985 (2021) 164702; 22 Sept, 2020 \\~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abstract: Micro-channel-plate-based photo-detectors are unique in being capable of covering very large areas such as those required in...
Micro-channel-plate-based photo-detectors are unique in being capable of covering areas of many square-meters while providing sub-millimeter space resolution, time resolutions of less than 10 picoseconds for charged particles, time resolutions of 30-50 psec for single photons. Incorporating a capacitively-coupled anode...
Invited Talk at the 5th International Conference on Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD2017); 22-26 May, 2017; Temple University, Philadelphia
This document describes MCenter experimental area and how to use G4beamline simulation in order to test LAPPD Time-of-Flight.
Optical TPC paper as published in NIM
Bernhard Adams,
Klaus Attenkofer,
Mircea Bogdan,
Karen Byrum,
Andrey Elagin,
Jeffrey W. Elam,
Henry J Frisch,
Jean-François Genat,
Hervé Grabas,
Joseph Gregar,
E Hahn,
Mary Heintz,
Zeke Insepov,
Valentin Ivanov,
Sharon Jelinsky,
Slade J. Jokela,
Seon Woo Lee,
Anil U. Mane,
Jason McPhate,
Michael Minot,
Pavel Murat,
Kurtis Nishimura,
Richard Northrop,
Razib Obaid,
Eric Oberla,
Erik Ramberg,
Anatoly Ronzhin,
Greg Sellberg,
Ossy Siegmund,
Neal Sullivan,
Anton Tremsin,
Gary Varner,
Igor V. Veryovkin,
Alexander Vostrikov,
Robert G. Wagner,
Dean Walters,
Matthew Wetstein,
Junqi Xie,
Zikri Yusof and
Alexander V. Zinovev
Replace History Paper as posted on the arXiv with new version after referee report.
Short Introductory talk at the Dec 18/19 DOE review at Argonne
This is a list of LAPPD Publications Oct 1 2009- July 2012 compiled by Karen for the July DOE review. If you have a publication you would like added please holler.
Talk at the SLAC instrumentation seminar following the SLAC S&T DOE review, June 20, 2012.
This is a paper written for the 335 experimental physics project first year graduate course. Beyond an overview of the supermodule, it provides a more detailed description of the pairing and second localization techniques.
Proceedings of Krakow conference.
Presenation given at the Cracow workshop on timing detector.
This talk was given at the LBNE collaboration meeting on my continued work to develop new tracking algorithms
Abstract #: 2017 Paper ID: N42-320 Title: Charge Relaxation and Gain Depletion for Candidate Secondary Electron Emission Materials Session Info: N42: Scientific Simulation and Computation: posters; on Wednesday, Nov. 3 @ 10:30 in room: Exhibit Hall B
Submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods A
Submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods A
Published in Nuclear Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research, B268 (2010) 3315-3320.
Presented at X Int. Computational Accelerator Physics Conference ICAP’09, Aug.30 – Sept.4, 2009, San Francisco.