A Talk given by Allison Squires on Compton Scattering in liquid media for TOF-PET under lower doses, TOPAS simulations of the Derenzo, XCAT brain phantoms are included.
Paper submitted to Transactions On Medical Imaging: TOPAS simulations of switchillator based PET using Derenzo and XCAT brain phantoms.
A little note on recent work on the Fermilab Test Beam Time-of-Flight upgrade.
Eric's talk at CPAD, Dec. 9 2019; Madison Wisconsin
The batch-production air-transfer paper as published: Review of Scientific Instruments 91, no. 5 (2020): 053105; 28 April 2020
Anode Pad Sharing NIM Paper as Published: Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 985 (2021) 164702; 22 Sept, 2020 \\~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abstract: Micro-channel-plate-based photo-detectors are unique in being capable of covering very large areas such as those required in...
Micro-channel-plate-based photo-detectors are unique in being capable of covering areas of many square-meters while providing sub-millimeter space resolution, time resolutions of less than 10 picoseconds for charged particles, time resolutions of 30-50 psec for single photons. Incorporating a capacitively-coupled anode...
We have designed and prototyped the process steps for the batch production of large-area micro-channel-plate photomultipliers (MCP-PMT) using the ``air-transfer'' assembly process developed with single $\LAPPDTM$ modules. Results are presented addressing the challenges of designing a robust package that can...
Heated metal filaments under electric fields and low pressures of alkali metal gas eject electrons by thermionic emission as a function of the pressure of the gas and the temperature of the filament. To explore this process in a program...
Alexey Lyashenko,
Bernhard Adams,
Evan Angelico,
Melvin Aviles,
Till Cremer,
Andrey Elagin,
Jeffrey W. Elam,
Camden Ertley,
Michael R Foley,
Henry J Frisch,
Anil U. Mane,
Michael Minot,
Mark A Popecki,
Ossy Siegmund,
Eric Spieglan,
Michael E Stochaj and
William A Worstell
We report on performance results achieved for recently produced LAPPDs. LAPPDs is a good candidate to be employed in neutrino experiments (e.g. ANNIE [1], WATCHMAN [2], DUNE [3]), particle collider experiments (e.g. EIC [4]), neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments (e.g. THEIA...
Poster presentation at the 14th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, May 2018
If the resistive divider is internal, most of the photocurrent does not make it out of the PMT.
Version of the capacitive coupling paper as published in NIMA
First submission to NIMA of the Capacitive Coupling paper. Discusses the capacitive anode/pickup configuration of the Gen-II ceramic tile, which uses the "Inside-Out" scheme.
ICHEP 2016 presentation on the In-Situ LAPPD
Todd Seiss's final 335 report, as submitted on May 25th 2016. It is likely to be updated in the future.
Slides from a presentation on top seal at SORMA 2016
Todd Seiss's 335 poster, presented on June 1 2016. Topic is Inside-Out LAPPD and pad pattern readout boards for use at the LHC.
Evan's 335 poster, presented at the 335 session on June 1 2016. Topic is Inside-Out LAPPD
This is Evan Angelico's 335 final report, as it was when it was turned in late at night on May 25th 2016. It will likely be revised into a different format, but this is VERSION 1.
There is very little experimental information on the St707 getter planned for use in the tile. This paper attempts to characterize the pumping speed of the getter at various activation environments. We also take a look at how this pumping...