Anode paper as resubmitted to NIM-A with reply to reviewer and cover letter
This is a list of LAPPD Publications Oct 1 2009- July 2012 compiled by Karen for the July DOE review. If you have a publication you would like added please holler.
This presentation was given 25 July 2012 as the LAPPD contribution to Argonne's session for the DOE Detector R&D Review which covered detector R&D at all national laboratories.
Talk at the SLAC instrumentation seminar following the SLAC S&T DOE review, June 20, 2012.
Talk at PHOTODET 2012 at LAL Orsay, France on 12 June, 2012
Talk given at PhotoDet 2012 in Orsay.
Talk at Light11 Workshop at Tegernsee, Germany; Oct/Nov 2011
Talk at Light11 Workshop at Tegernsee, Germany; Oct/Nov 2011
Talk and Proceedings at 2012 IEEE Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, Oakland, CA, May 2012
Talk and Proceedings at the IEEE NSS-MIC, Valencia, Spain, Oct 2011
Talk at Light11 Workshop at Tegernsee, Germany; Oct/Nov 2011
Talk at NDIP 2011, Lyon France, Jul, 2011
Talk at 6th International Conference on New Developments in Photon Detection (NDIP2011), Lyon, France Jul 2011
Daniel C Bennis,
Christopher Craven,
Michael Deterando,
Jeffrey W. Elam,
J R Escolas,
Henry J Frisch,
Kurt Fujiwara,
R Hemphill,
Sharon Jelinsky,
Anil U. Mane,
Jason McPhate,
Michael Minot,
Joseph M Renaud,
Ossy Siegmund,
Anton Tremsin and
J Vallerga
Talk and proceedings at the SPIE UV, X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XVII, San Diego, CA, Aug 2011, Proceedings of SPIE Volume 8145-19
submitted to NIM, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2011.11.022
Talk at SLAC Seminar series, Dec 2009, SLAC, CA
Talk at Seminario Nazionale Rivelatori Innovativi, Jun 2012, INFN Firenze, Italy
Talk at Seminario Nazionale Rivelatori Innovativi, Jun 2012, INFN Firenze, Italy
This is a poster for a DOE sponsored symposium on science and R&D at DOE labs held at Argonne in Aug 2010.
CTA collaboration meeting in Zurich Switzerland in Oct 2009
SPIR 2011 conference in Orlando Florida
SPIR 2011 conference in Orlando Florida
This is a paper written for the 335 experimental physics project first year graduate course. Beyond an overview of the supermodule, it provides a more detailed description of the pairing and second localization techniques.
This is a paper written for the 335 experimental physics project for first-year graduate students. It discusses some application to collider experiments and uses constant fraction discrimination to evaluate some of Eric's data.
Talk given at the SORMA West Conference, Oakland Ca, May 17, 2012
Talk given at the SORMA West Conference, Oakland Calif. May 2012.
Talk given at the SORMA West Conference, Oakland Calif. May 2012.
This is a paper for Physics 335 class, which includes first research on feasibility to build Daniel Boone experiment.