The development of large area, high performance, photon counting, imaging, timing detectors based on novel microchannel plate technology potentially offers significant advantages in a number of applications. To explore this, large area (20 cm) microchannel plates have been constructed using...
Microchannel plates that have been constructed by atomic layer deposition of resistive and secondary emissive layers, onto borosilicate glass microcapillary arrays provide a novel alternative to conventional microchannel plates for detection of radiation and particles. Conventional microchannel plates can also...
Christopher Craven,
Jeffrey W. Elam,
Camden Ertley,
Henry J Frisch,
Anil U. Mane,
Jason McPhate,
Michael Minot,
Aileen O'Mahony,
Nathan Richner,
Ossy Siegmund,
Anton Tremsin,
J Vallerga and
Robert G. Wagner
Novel microchannel plates have been constructed using borosilicate glass micro-capillary array substrates with 20 mm and 10 mm pores and coated with resistive, and secondary electron emissive, layers by atomic layer deposition. Microchannel plates in 33 mm, 50 mm and...
Daniel C Bennis,
Justin L Bond,
Karen Byrum,
Christopher Craven,
Andrey Elagin,
Jeffrey W. Elam,
Henry J Frisch,
Anil U. Mane,
Michael Minot,
Richard Northrop,
Aileen O'Mahony,
Joseph M Renaud,
Michael E Stochaj,
Robert G. Wagner and
Matthew Wetstein
Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2014 2-6 June, 2014 Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Bernhard Adams,
Klaus Attenkofer,
Mircea Bogdan,
Karen Byrum,
Andrey Elagin,
Jeffrey W. Elam,
Henry J Frisch,
Jean-François Genat,
Hervé Grabas,
Joseph Gregar,
E Hahn,
Mary Heintz,
Zeke Insepov,
Valentin Ivanov,
Sharon Jelinsky,
Slade J. Jokela,
Seon Woo Lee,
Anil U. Mane,
Jason McPhate,
Michael Minot,
Pavel Murat,
Kurtis Nishimura,
Richard Northrop,
Razib Obaid,
Eric Oberla,
Erik Ramberg,
Anatoly Ronzhin,
Greg Sellberg,
Ossy Siegmund,
Neal Sullivan,
Anton Tremsin,
Gary Varner,
Igor V. Veryovkin,
Alexander Vostrikov,
Robert G. Wagner,
Dean Walters,
Matthew Wetstein,
Junqi Xie,
Zikri Yusof and
Alexander V. Zinovev
Replace History Paper as posted on the arXiv with new version after referee report.
Alan D Brodie,
Andrey Elagin,
Jeffrey W. Elam,
Anil U. Mane,
Mark A McCord,
Jason McPhate,
Michael Minot,
Aileen O'Mahony,
Ossy Siegmund,
William M Tong,
Robert G. Wagner and
Matthew Wetstein
[1] O. H. W. Siegmund, C. Ertley, J. Vallerga, C. A. Craven, M. Popecki, A. O'Mahony, and M. J. Minot, “High Speed Large Format Photon Counting Microchannel Plate Imaging Sensors,†Proceedings of the Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies...
Proceedings from the 2015 Particle Accelerator Conference in NY, TUP005
Documentation of the scrubber monitoring setup.
Paper on Cherenkov/scintillation light separation directionality in 0vbb-decay. As published in JINST. arXiv:1307.5813. InspireHEP link:
Proceedings of IPAC2015, May 3-8, 2015; Richmond VA TUPHA003 Abstract: Alkali antimonide photocathodes are a strong contender for the cathode of choice for next-generation photon sources such as LCLS II or the XFEL. These materials have already found extensive use...
Abstract: The LAPPD Collaboration was formed to develop ultrafast large-area imag- ing photodetectors based on new methods for fabricating microchannel plates (MCPs). In this paper we characterize the time response using a pulsed, sub- picosecond laser. We observe single-photoelectron time...
Bernhard Adams,
Andrey Elagin,
Jeffrey W. Elam,
Henry J Frisch,
Jean-François Genat,
Joseph Gregar,
Anil U. Mane,
Michael Minot,
Richard Northrop,
Razib Obaid,
Eric Oberla,
Alexander Vostrikov and
Matthew Wetstein
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 780 (2015) 107–113 We describe a pin-less design for the high voltage (HV) resistive divider of the all-glass LAPPD(TM) 8 in.- square thin photodetector module.
Daniel C Bennis,
Justin L Bond,
Christopher Craven,
Marcel Demarteau,
Andrey Elagin,
Jeffrey W. Elam,
Henry J Frisch,
Anil U. Mane,
Jason McPhate,
Michael Minot,
Richard Northrop,
Aileen O'Mahony,
Joseph M Renaud,
Ossy Siegmund,
Michael E Stochaj,
Robert G. Wagner and
Matthew Wetstein
Persons interested in more information can either buy a copy from the publisher ( or send an inquiry to Incom Sales & Marketing or directly to Michael Minot (
Bernhard Adams,
Andrey Elagin,
Jeffrey W. Elam,
Henry J Frisch,
Jean-François Genat,
Joseph Gregar,
Anil U. Mane,
Michael Minot,
Richard Northrop,
Razib Obaid,
Eric Oberla,
Alexander Vostrikov and
Matthew Wetstein
HV Divider paper as submitted to NIM-A Dec 9, 2014
There is very little experimental information on the St707 getter planned for use in the tile. This paper attempts to characterize the pumping speed of the getter at various activation environments. We also take a look at how this pumping...
Revision 0 of the Margherita User's Manual. This document was written as a draft, to be revised as we learn more and more about how to operate and fabricate a tile with the Margherita dual vacuum chamber fabrication system.
Daniel C Bennis,
Justin L Bond,
Karen Byrum,
Christopher Craven,
Andrey Elagin,
Jeffrey W. Elam,
Henry J Frisch,
Anil U. Mane,
Jason McPhate,
Michael Minot,
Richard Northrop,
Aileen O'Mahony,
Joseph M Renaud,
Ossy Siegmund,
Michael E Stochaj,
Robert G. Wagner and
Matthew Wetstein
In this work, the authors present analytic models for atomic layer deposition (ALD) in three common experimental configurations: cross-flow, particle coating, and spatial ALD. These models, based on the plug-flow and well-mixed approximations, allow us to determine the minimum dose...
Talk given remotely to Workshop on Picosecond Photon Sensors, Clermont-Ferrand. 12-march 2014