Talk given at the 2022 APS march meeting N10, Chicago, IL.
This board is designed to allow access to the typical 30 signal channels from a SAMTEC connectorized anode or ACDC board using 5 SMA input/outputs and self-terminating RF selector chips. The files contained include KiCad design files, gerbers for fabrication,...
A manual for how to collect data (specifically, digitizing a sine wave) with a revision B ACDC.
Those are the Project files for Anodes(Square, Sin, and Stripline), with Kicad files for PCB Design, Fabrication instructions, Gerber files, and a Jpeg for quick reference. The current version is on Jan 11, 2021, and sent for fabrication.
A little note on recent work on the Fermilab Test Beam Time-of-Flight upgrade.
Draft spec for a 1psec 3GHz bandwidth fast-timing ASIC. An Appendix makes the case for wave-form samplilng, in particular for baseline subtraction.
Eric's talk at CPAD, Dec. 9 2019; Madison Wisconsin
Stroboscopic Beam Timing paper as published in PHYSICAL REVIEW D 100, 032008 (2019) We propose to use a higher-frequency rf bunch structure for the primary proton beam on target and precision timing to select different energy and flavor spectra from...
The batch-production air-transfer paper as published: Review of Scientific Instruments 91, no. 5 (2020): 053105; 28 April 2020
Gerber files are under pad-pickup-64-gerber folder. There are 64 minus 4 square pads on the front layer, four corner pads excluded. This is because only 60 channels are available. Each pads are labeled from 1 to 64, horizontal then vertical...
Anode Pad Sharing NIM Paper as Published: Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 985 (2021) 164702; 22 Sept, 2020 \\~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abstract: Micro-channel-plate-based photo-detectors are unique in being capable of covering very large areas such as those required in...
A system of Large Area Picosecond Photodetectors (LAPPDTM) has been constructed at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility (FTBF) to measure charged particles in a time-of-flight configuration. Cherenkov photons produced by charged particles passing through the glass window induce signals that...
The properties of radiation emitted when a single electron passes through an undulator element, though quantum in nature due to small occupation number, should extrapolate to the same observed properties of undulator radiation in the high occupation number of an...
Andrey's farewell talk: "Wine and Cheese" seminar at Fermilab. August 21, 2020.
Micro-channel-plate-based photo-detectors are unique in being capable of covering areas of many square-meters while providing sub-millimeter space resolution, time resolutions of less than 10 picoseconds for charged particles, time resolutions of 30-50 psec for single photons. Incorporating a capacitively-coupled anode...
We have designed and prototyped the process steps for the batch production of large-area micro-channel-plate photo- multipliers (MCP-PMT) using the “air-transfer” assembly process developed with single LAPPDTM modules. Results are presented addressing the challenges of designing a robust package that...
We have designed and prototyped the process steps for the batch production of large-area micro-channel-plate photomultipliers (MCP-PMT) using the ``air-transfer'' assembly process developed with single $\LAPPDTM$ modules. Results are presented addressing the challenges of designing a robust package that can...
We propose a relatively simple method to measure the event time in liquid Argon (LAr) neutrino detectors that takes advantage of the topological reconstruction of each event {\it prior} to a `one-parameter' fit for the time using `Precision-4D' photodetectors. A...
White Paper on use of large-area MCPs assembled without the usual bialkali cathodes as the active elements in sampling calorimeters.
Heated metal filaments under electric fields and low pressures of alkali metal gas eject electrons by thermionic emission as a function of the pressure of the gas and the temperature of the filament. To explore this process in a program...
Summer 2019 note about MELZ photo-multiplier tubes.
This little note proposes adding time-sliced information from muon monitors to the stroboscopic neutrino oscillation analysis. Specific proposals include a low intensity run before the halls get too hot to reach muons in the relevant kinematic range, and a description...
Alexey Lyashenko,
Bernhard Adams,
Evan Angelico,
Melvin Aviles,
Till Cremer,
Andrey Elagin,
Jeffrey W. Elam,
Camden Ertley,
Michael R Foley,
Henry J Frisch,
Anil U. Mane,
Michael Minot,
Mark A Popecki,
Ossy Siegmund,
Eric Spieglan,
Michael E Stochaj and
William A Worstell
We report on performance results achieved for recently produced LAPPDs. LAPPDs is a good candidate to be employed in neutrino experiments (e.g. ANNIE [1], WATCHMAN [2], DUNE [3]), particle collider experiments (e.g. EIC [4]), neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments (e.g. THEIA...
Talk at TIPP, Amsterdam; June 2014
We present a technique for separating nuclear double beta-decay events from background 8B solar neutrino interactions in a liquid scintillator detector instrumented with photo-detectors with mm space and 100-psec time resolutions. The technique uses position and time information of detected...
This paper is about the development of a new method of real-time remote controlling of Droege High Voltage DC Power Supplies.