Microphone readings are filtered to estimate activity level and potential disturbances in the LAPPD Lab.
Wall voltage is filtered and regularly sampled in an investigation for potential disturbances to the LAPPD project.
Colloquium talk at the University of Hawaii
Report from Gabriel Nathan about working in PSEC group Autumn 2016 and Winter 2017.
Version of the capacitive coupling paper as published in NIMA
Spherical harmonics paper as submitted to NIM.
Bernhard Adams,
Melvin Aviles,
Justin L Bond,
Christopher Craven,
Till Cremer,
Andrey Elagin,
Jeffrey W. Elam,
Camden Ertley,
Michael R Foley,
Henry J Frisch,
Alexey Lyashenko,
Anil U. Mane,
Michael Minot,
Mark A Popecki,
Ossy Siegmund,
Michael E Stochaj and
William A Worstell
We report pilot production and advanced development performance results achieved for Large Area Picosecond Photodetectors (LAPPD TM).
We report a cost-effective and production achievable path to fabricate robust large-area microchannel plates (MCPs), which offers the new prospect for larger area MCP-based detector technologies. We used atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), a thin film growth technique, to independently adjust...
First submission to NIMA of the Capacitive Coupling paper. Discusses the capacitive anode/pickup configuration of the Gen-II ceramic tile, which uses the "Inside-Out" scheme.
Final summer report from Madeline Bernstein's experience, summer 2016
ICHEP 2016 poster on fast timing for 0vbb-decay search
ICHEP 2016 presentation on the In-Situ LAPPD
Todd Seiss's ICHEP 2016 poster about the use of capacitive-coupling anode pads for a collider detector (like ATLAS).
Evan Angelico's ICHEP2016 poster on the capacitively coupled readout testing.
Paper for IEEE NSS/Mic RealTime 2016, Strasbourg, France Oct. 2016 ArXiV:1607.02395v1 8 Jul 2016
Todd Seiss's final 335 report, as submitted on May 25th 2016. It is likely to be updated in the future.
Slides from a presentation on top seal at SORMA 2016
Todd Seiss's 335 poster, presented on June 1 2016. Topic is Inside-Out LAPPD and pad pattern readout boards for use at the LHC.
Evan's 335 poster, presented at the 335 session on June 1 2016. Topic is Inside-Out LAPPD
This is Evan Angelico's 335 final report, as it was when it was turned in late at night on May 25th 2016. It will likely be revised into a different format, but this is VERSION 1.
TWEPP 2008, Naxos, Greece, September 15-18, 2008
Timing paper as published in NIM
Optical TPC paper as published in NIM
Reproduced the result for 0-tile anode in paper "RP strip-line anodes for Psec large-area MCP-based photodetectors". Elaborated on several issues regarding the setup.
Novel large area microchannel plates (MCPs) constructed using micro-capillary arrays functionalized by atomic layer deposition (ALD) have been successfully demonstrated in large for- mat detectors (10 cm and 20 cm) with cross delay line and cross strip readouts. Borosilicate micro-...
(believed to be-variations exist) Proceedings of the Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference, held in Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, September 9-12, 2014, Ed.: S. Ryan, The Maui Economic Development Board, id.E103 Bibliographic Code: 2014amos.confE.103S Imaging photon counting sensors, with...