This talk was given at the LBNE collaboration meeting on my continued work to develop new tracking algorithms
Abstract #: 2017 Paper ID: N42-320 Title: Charge Relaxation and Gain Depletion for Candidate Secondary Electron Emission Materials Session Info: N42: Scientific Simulation and Computation: posters; on Wednesday, Nov. 3 @ 10:30 in room: Exhibit Hall B
Submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods A
Submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods A
Published in Nuclear Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research, B268 (2010) 3315-3320.
Presented at X Int. Computational Accelerator Physics Conference ICAP’09, Aug.30 – Sept.4, 2009, San Francisco.
Presented at PAC’09, 4-8 May, Vancouver, Canada.
Presentation of the LAPPD project made in Prague, and it's possible application for the AFP (Atlas Forward Physics).
A description of a Java program to facilitate data acquisition and analysis using a Tektronix TDS3000 series oscilloscope and applied to micro-channel photo-multiplier tubes is provided. Final report on Summer 2010 ANL student Intern project of Paul Drake. In addition...
A goal of the LAPPD project is to be able to develop advanced MCP-PMT's using simulation to optimize the many parameters. This will require a realistic simulation of each step in the generation of the final digital output, including the...
In order to edit the "I told you so page". Go to: psec/web/psec/library/paul/
Analysis of data taken with a 10 um MCP on Tang's transmission line card with 18, 50, 158PEs at Ed May's laser test stand.
Seminar given on July 15th 2010 at the Chicago Hospital by Baptiste Joly
Another poster from last year.
Poster from the DOE site visit, Sept 2009.
Presentation give at the Pico-Second Workshop VII, Feb. 28, 2009.
Talk given at the Fast Timing Workshop Lyon, Oct 15th 2008
Talk given at Fermilab, Dec. 15th 2009.
Talk given at the Fast Timing Workshop, DAPNIA, Saclay, March 8-9th 2007
Talk given at LPC Clermont-Ferrand, January 28th 2010.
Powerpoint on PET imaging.
Talk given on 8, March, 2007.
Talk given at the ANT Workshop, Aug 13-15, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Talk given on March 19, 2010.
Poster on TOF-PET Signal Processing.
Powerpoint update on Microchannel plates.