On LAPPD Detectors in Neutrino Context. These slides are also similar to slides I presented at the Instrumentation Frontier Workshop.
Talk at SCINT 2013 on LAPPD
Short Introductory talk at the Dec 18/19 DOE review at Argonne
Talk given at Vienna Conference on Instrumentation Feb 12, 2013.
This is a list of LAPPD Publications Oct 1 2009- July 2012 compiled by Karen for the July DOE review. If you have a publication you would like added please holler.
Talk at the SLAC instrumentation seminar following the SLAC S&T DOE review, June 20, 2012.
Talk at PHOTODET 2012 at LAL Orsay, France on 12 June, 2012
Talk given at PhotoDet 2012 in Orsay.
Talk at Light11 Workshop at Tegernsee, Germany; Oct/Nov 2011
Talk at Light11 Workshop at Tegernsee, Germany; Oct/Nov 2011
Talk at Light11 Workshop at Tegernsee, Germany; Oct/Nov 2011
Talk at NDIP 2011, Lyon France, Jul, 2011
Talk at 6th International Conference on New Developments in Photon Detection (NDIP2011), Lyon, France Jul 2011
Talk at SLAC Seminar series, Dec 2009, SLAC, CA
Talk at Seminario Nazionale Rivelatori Innovativi, Jun 2012, INFN Firenze, Italy
Talk at Seminario Nazionale Rivelatori Innovativi, Jun 2012, INFN Firenze, Italy
CTA collaboration meeting in Zurich Switzerland in Oct 2009
SPIR 2011 conference in Orlando Florida
Talk given at the SORMA West Conference, Oakland Ca, May 17, 2012
Talk given at the SORMA West Conference, Oakland Calif. May 2012.
Talk at the Light11 Workshop at Tegernsee, Germany; Oct/Nov 2011
Bernhard Adams,
Klaus Attenkofer,
Mircea Bogdan,
Karen Byrum,
Chin-Tu Chen,
Eric Delagnes,
Gary Drake,
Henry J Frisch,
Hervé Grabas,
Mary Heintz,
Chien-Min Kao,
Heejong Kim,
Edward May,
Richard Northrop,
Eric Oberla,
Larry Ruckman,
Fukun Tang,
Gary Varner and
Matthew Wetstein
Presentation at the "Workshop on Timing Detectors", Krakow, November 2010
Talk at SPIE 2011 by Ossy with lots of test results from SSL
This talk was given at the LBNE collaboration meeting on my continued work to develop new tracking algorithms
Seminar given on July 15th 2010 at the Chicago Hospital by Baptiste Joly