Finding the time of the neutrino event from the liquid argon reconstruction
Presented on 16th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, Elba, Italy
Presented at CPAD 2023, SLAC
Cameron's talk from the IEEE ultra-low-dose PET imaging workshop.
Cameron's talk from CPAD 2023.
Cameron's talk from CPAD 2023.
Simulations of whole-body low-dose time-of-flight positron emission tomography (TOF-PET) based on the direct surface production [1] by 511 keV gamma rays of energetic electrons via the Photo-electric and Compton Effects, eliminating the scintillator and photodetector sub-systems in PET scanners.
Using a TOPAS simulation to model the direct conversion of 511 keV gamma rays to electrons in a micro-channel plate (MCP).
A Talk given by Henry Frisch at the LHC upgrade meeting.
Talk given at Fast 2023 Elba, Exploring the limiting factors of PSEC4 resolution and proposal for PSEC5 chip.
The talk given at FAST 2023, Elba
A Talk given by Allison Squires on Compton Scattering in liquid media for TOF-PET under lower doses, TOPAS simulations of the Derenzo, XCAT brain phantoms are included.
Paper submitted to Transactions On Medical Imaging: TOPAS simulations of switchillator based PET using Derenzo and XCAT brain phantoms.
Bernhard Adams,
Evan Angelico,
Camden Ertley,
Henry J Frisch,
Mary Heintz,
Eric Oberla,
Jinseo Park,
joe Pastika,
Paul Rubinov,
Neal Sullivan,
Fukun Tang and
Gary Varner
This is the file for Square pad anodes. This is the 8mm version, also the latest. The board is not fabricated, because the thickness still needs adjustments for better fabrication with PCBway. Last modified: 02/July/2022 by Jacky L
These are the anode files for stripline anode. This production is 5.2mm, and is currently testing with ACDC at Fermilab. This doc include kicad, gerber and fab instruction. Last modified: 02/July/2022 by Jacky Li
Those are the Project files for Anodes(Square, Sin, and Stripline), with Kicad files for PCB Design, Fabrication instructions, Gerber files, and a Jpeg for quick reference. The current version is on Jan 11, 2021, and sent for fabrication.
A little note on recent work on the Fermilab Test Beam Time-of-Flight upgrade.
Draft spec for a 1psec 3GHz bandwidth fast-timing ASIC. An Appendix makes the case for wave-form samplilng, in particular for baseline subtraction.
Eric's talk at CPAD, Dec. 9 2019; Madison Wisconsin
Stroboscopic Beam Timing paper as published in PHYSICAL REVIEW D 100, 032008 (2019) We propose to use a higher-frequency rf bunch structure for the primary proton beam on target and precision timing to select different energy and flavor spectra from...
The batch-production air-transfer paper as published: Review of Scientific Instruments 91, no. 5 (2020): 053105; 28 April 2020
Anode Pad Sharing NIM Paper as Published: Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 985 (2021) 164702; 22 Sept, 2020 \\~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abstract: Micro-channel-plate-based photo-detectors are unique in being capable of covering very large areas such as those required in...
Micro-channel-plate-based photo-detectors are unique in being capable of covering areas of many square-meters while providing sub-millimeter space resolution, time resolutions of less than 10 picoseconds for charged particles, time resolutions of 30-50 psec for single photons. Incorporating a capacitively-coupled anode...
We have designed and prototyped the process steps for the batch production of large-area micro-channel-plate photo- multipliers (MCP-PMT) using the “air-transfer” assembly process developed with single LAPPDTM modules. Results are presented addressing the challenges of designing a robust package that...
We have designed and prototyped the process steps for the batch production of large-area micro-channel-plate photomultipliers (MCP-PMT) using the ``air-transfer'' assembly process developed with single $\LAPPDTM$ modules. Results are presented addressing the challenges of designing a robust package that can...
We propose a relatively simple method to measure the event time in liquid Argon (LAr) neutrino detectors that takes advantage of the topological reconstruction of each event {\it prior} to a `one-parameter' fit for the time using `Precision-4D' photodetectors. A...
White Paper on use of large-area MCPs assembled without the usual bialkali cathodes as the active elements in sampling calorimeters.