A description of an experimental test of tracking relativistic charged particles with a water Cherenkov
The talk given at FAST 2023, Elba
This is the file for Square pad anodes. This is the 8mm version, also the latest. The board is not fabricated, because the thickness still needs adjustments for better fabrication with PCBway. Last modified: 02/July/2022 by Jacky L
These are the anode files for stripline anode. This production is 5.2mm, and is currently testing with ACDC at Fermilab. This doc include kicad, gerber and fab instruction. Last modified: 02/July/2022 by Jacky Li
Those are the Project files for Anodes(Square, Sin, and Stripline), with Kicad files for PCB Design, Fabrication instructions, Gerber files, and a Jpeg for quick reference. The current version is on Jan 11, 2021, and sent for fabrication.
A little note on recent work on the Fermilab Test Beam Time-of-Flight upgrade.
The batch-production air-transfer paper as published: Review of Scientific Instruments 91, no. 5 (2020): 053105; 28 April 2020
Gerber files are under pad-pickup-64-gerber folder. There are 64 minus 4 square pads on the front layer, four corner pads excluded. This is because only 60 channels are available. Each pads are labeled from 1 to 64, horizontal then vertical...
Anode Pad Sharing NIM Paper as Published: Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 985 (2021) 164702; 22 Sept, 2020 \\~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abstract: Micro-channel-plate-based photo-detectors are unique in being capable of covering very large areas such as those required in...
Micro-channel-plate-based photo-detectors are unique in being capable of covering areas of many square-meters while providing sub-millimeter space resolution, time resolutions of less than 10 picoseconds for charged particles, time resolutions of 30-50 psec for single photons. Incorporating a capacitively-coupled anode...
We have designed and prototyped the process steps for the batch production of large-area micro-channel-plate photo- multipliers (MCP-PMT) using the “air-transfer” assembly process developed with single LAPPDTM modules. Results are presented addressing the challenges of designing a robust package that...
We have designed and prototyped the process steps for the batch production of large-area micro-channel-plate photomultipliers (MCP-PMT) using the ``air-transfer'' assembly process developed with single $\LAPPDTM$ modules. Results are presented addressing the challenges of designing a robust package that can...
Talk at TIPP, Amsterdam; June 2014
Report from the summer 2018 REU, working with the PSEC group
Report from the summer 2018 REU, working with the PSEC group
Invited Talk at the 5th International Conference on Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD2017); 22-26 May, 2017; Temple University, Philadelphia
Report from the summer 2017 REU, working with the PSEC group. Two recipes for the `Margherita Cookbook' are attached.
Karen Byrum,
Marcel Demarteau,
Ranjan Dharmapalan,
Jeffrey W. Elam,
Anil U. Mane,
Edward May,
Robert G. Wagner,
Dean Walters,
Jingbo Wang,
Lei Xia,
Junqi Xie and
Huyue Zhao
Greg Sellberg's "[1032] channel pads w/Ag Epoxy Technique to PC Board Read-out" How to glue Photonis Planacon to the RF-stripline anode card.
Todd Seiss's ICHEP 2016 poster about the use of capacitive-coupling anode pads for a collider detector (like ATLAS).
Todd Seiss's final 335 report, as submitted on May 25th 2016. It is likely to be updated in the future.
Todd Seiss's 335 poster, presented on June 1 2016. Topic is Inside-Out LAPPD and pad pattern readout boards for use at the LHC.
Evan's 335 poster, presented at the 335 session on June 1 2016. Topic is Inside-Out LAPPD
This is Evan Angelico's 335 final report, as it was when it was turned in late at night on May 25th 2016. It will likely be revised into a different format, but this is VERSION 1.
Timing paper as published in NIM
Optical TPC paper as published in NIM
Reproduced the result for 0-tile anode in paper "RP strip-line anodes for Psec large-area MCP-based photodetectors". Elaborated on several issues regarding the setup.
Bernhard Adams,
Klaus Attenkofer,
Mircea Bogdan,
Karen Byrum,
Andrey Elagin,
Jeffrey W. Elam,
Henry J Frisch,
Jean-François Genat,
Hervé Grabas,
Joseph Gregar,
E Hahn,
Mary Heintz,
Zeke Insepov,
Valentin Ivanov,
Sharon Jelinsky,
Slade J. Jokela,
Seon Woo Lee,
Anil U. Mane,
Jason McPhate,
Michael Minot,
Pavel Murat,
Kurtis Nishimura,
Richard Northrop,
Razib Obaid,
Eric Oberla,
Erik Ramberg,
Anatoly Ronzhin,
Greg Sellberg,
Ossy Siegmund,
Neal Sullivan,
Anton Tremsin,
Gary Varner,
Igor V. Veryovkin,
Alexander Vostrikov,
Robert G. Wagner,
Dean Walters,
Matthew Wetstein,
Junqi Xie,
Zikri Yusof and
Alexander V. Zinovev
Replace History Paper as posted on the arXiv with new version after referee report.
The Anode NIM paper as published (reprint)