Proceedings of Krakow conference.
Anil U. Mane, Qing Peng, Matthew J. Wetstein, Wagner G. Robert, Henry J. Frisch, Oswald H. W. Siegmund, Michael J. Minot, Bernhard W. Adams, Matthieu C. Chollet and Jeffrey W. Elam
Abstract #: 2017 Paper ID: N42-320 Title: Charge Relaxation and Gain Depletion for Candidate Secondary Electron Emission Materials Session Info: N42: Scientific Simulation and Computation: posters; on Wednesday, Nov. 3 @ 10:30 in room: Exhibit Hall B
Submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods A
Published in Nuclear Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research, B268 (2010) 3315-3320.
Presented at PAC’09, 4-8 May, Vancouver, Canada.
A goal of the LAPPD project is to be able to develop advanced MCP-PMT's using simulation to optimize the many parameters. This will require a realistic simulation of each step in the generation of the final digital output, including the...
In order to edit the "I told you so page". Go to: psec/web/psec/library/paul/
Poster on TOF-PET Signal Processing.
PowerPoint on the development of MCPs.
Specs for the assembly of the glass tiles, 18 June 2010.
In this little note we describe the electrical circuit for the large-area MCP-PMT development, including a scheme for an internal HV distribution. This current string, which is composed of series-resistors with stiffening capacitors, supplies current to the photocathode and micro-channel...
This is an old note, from July 2006, but may have some things of interest. HJF Abstract: One limiting factor in the speed of a 2-inch by 2-inch MCP is the inductance in the path that charge has to flow...
Colloquium given at BNL May 4, 2010 on the LAPPD technology and applications
Abstract and summary of paper submitted/presented at NSSC/MIC IEEE, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct 27-Nov 3, 2007 (PDF)
Abstract and summary submitted to IEEE 2008 meeting Dresden Germany
Abstract and summary prepared for IEEE 2008 Oct 2008 Dresden German y
Internal report and paper prepared for IEEE 2008 Dresden Germany me eting and presentation and conference report
Abstract submitted to Vienna Conference Nov 2009
Bernhard Adams,
Mike Albrow,
John T Anderson,
Klaus Attenkofer,
Karen Byrum,
Gary Drake,
Henry J Frisch,
Jean-François Genat,
Mary Heintz,
Edward May,
Richard Northrop,
Erik Ramberg,
Anatoly Ronzhin,
Greg Sellberg,
Ossy Siegmund,
Fukun Tang,
Jerry Va'vra and
Gary Varner
April 22, 2009 text of proposal to DOE for Detector Development. Version with no budget information.
June 11, 2004 Note converted from ps to pdf format.
2004 Paper submitted to Rome Italy, IEEE04 Conference. Abstract: We propose to measure the velocity of particles produced at a hadron or lepton collider by measuring the timeof- flight in a finely segmented cylindrical geometry, in which the particles product...
2005 Detector Development Proposal
A paper submitted to IEEE San Diego CA meeting May 19, 2006
July 20, 2006 One limiting factor in the speed of a 2"x2" MCP is the inductance in the path that charge has to ow from the anode back to the source of the charge, the micro-channel plate output. In this...
preprint (Chicago U., EFI) . Oct 2008. 18pp. Published in Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A607:387-393,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0810.5590 [physics.ins-det] The development of large-area homogeneous photo-detectors with sub-millimeter path lengths for direct Cherenkov light and for secondary-electrons opens the possibility of large time-of-flight systems for relativistic...
Talk given at IBM on Mar 19 2007.
Talk given at ANL/Fermilab/UC Collaborative Presentations, Jun 26, 2008
Talk give on Oct 14, 2008, at Workshop on Picosecond Timing, Lyon France