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58 Picosecond Time-of-Flight Measurement for Colliders Using Cherenkov Light

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Description: 2004 Paper submitted to Rome Italy, IEEE04 Conference. Abstract: We propose to measure the velocity of particles produced at a hadron or lepton collider by measuring the timeof- flight in a finely segmented cylindrical geometry, in which the particles product Cherenkov light while traversing the window of one element in an array of large-area (e.g. 5 cm x 5 cm) multi-channel-plate photomultipliers (MCP’s). There has been a substantial improvement in the time resolution of MCP’s, which now have achieved a 10-psec transit-time spread (FWHM) for a single photon. We have simulated the Cherenkov emission and MCP response spectra for several commercially available MCP’s, and find that a TOF resolution on the order of 1 psec should be attainable. This would allow p/K separation at 1s up to a transverse momentum of » 25GeV/c in a detector such as CDF at the Fermilab Tevatron. It may also be possible to associate a photon with its production vertex by conversion directly in front of the MCP. The system we are considering requires a custom large-area MCP design with an anode consisting of impedance-matched segments, directly coupled to a circuit capable of psec resolution. Possible problems we know of so far are showering in the magnet coil that is in front of the system and stray magnetic field outside the coil. One last consideration is the cost, which will be comparable to other major detector subsystems.

Timothy Credo
Henry J Frisch
Harold Sanders
Fukun Tang


Conference Proceedings
Internal Notes

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