Proceedings of Krakow conference.
Presenation given at the Cracow workshop on timing detector.
Presentation of the LAPPD project made in Prague, and it's possible application for the AFP (Atlas Forward Physics).
A description of a Java program to facilitate data acquisition and analysis using a Tektronix TDS3000 series oscilloscope and applied to micro-channel photo-multiplier tubes is provided. Final report on Summer 2010 ANL student Intern project of Paul Drake. In addition...
In order to edit the "I told you so page". Go to: psec/web/psec/library/paul/
Analysis of data taken with a 10 um MCP on Tang's transmission line card with 18, 50, 158PEs at Ed May's laser test stand.
In this little note we describe the electrical circuit for the large-area MCP-PMT development, including a scheme for an internal HV distribution. This current string, which is composed of series-resistors with stiffening capacitors, supplies current to the photocathode and micro-channel...
This is an old note, from July 2006, but may have some things of interest. HJF Abstract: One limiting factor in the speed of a 2-inch by 2-inch MCP is the inductance in the path that charge has to flow...
Colloquium given at BNL May 4, 2010 on the LAPPD technology and applications
Poster presented at the Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP), Parallel Session B6 - Friday 19 September 2007 Prague Czech Republic, Sept., 2007. (PPT)
Abstract submitted to the Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP), Parallel Session B6 - Friday 19 September 2007 Prague Czech Republic, Sept., 2007. (PDF)
Internship Presentation, 3 Sept. 2009 PPT slides
Sep 3 2009 internal report intership report design report
July 20, 2006 One limiting factor in the speed of a 2"x2" MCP is the inductance in the path that charge has to ow from the anode back to the source of the charge, the micro-channel plate output. In this...
preprint (Chicago U., EFI) . Oct 2008. 18pp. Published in Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A607:387-393,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0810.5590 [physics.ins-det] The development of large-area homogeneous photo-detectors with sub-millimeter path lengths for direct Cherenkov light and for secondary-electrons opens the possibility of large time-of-flight systems for relativistic...
June 3, 2009, Student final report on MCP with Transmision Line readout, time resolution as function of Pore size.
Fermilab meeting on FNAL/UoC/ANL Collaboration 27 November, 2007
Talk at EFI UofChicago Dec 17-18 2007, Fast Timing Workshop Laborador Technology, ANITA
Talk at EFI, UofChicago, Dec 17-18, 2007 Meeting Timing resolution obtained from digitized pulses is comparable to analog CFD. Efficient calibration, especially system level for TOF PET Benefits for PET: Position, Energy, Time, and Count-rate Advanced algorithms
Talk at EFI U.of Chicago Dec 17-18th 2007 Meeting
Presentation at EFI Chicago, Dec 17-18th 2007 Meeting Time picking strategies, Timing using MCPs, Fast Sampling chip
Presentation at TWEPP 2008, Naxos, Greece, September 15-19 2008 Characteristics of MCP-PMT output signals • Readout techniques for picoseconds timing measurements • Transmission-line readout design and simulations (PDF)
Multi-threshold discriminator boards with adjustable thresholds developed and evaluated. Heejong Kim, 5 June 2008.(PPT) Presentated at SORMA conference.
F. Tang, 9 January 2008 (PDF)
Poster presented at the Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, F. Tang, 5 Sept. 2007 (PPT)